Text Divider
Type or paste your text and choose how you want to divide it.
About the Text Divider
Our text division tool is designed to make splitting long texts into smaller, manageable parts easier, offering:
- Split by Words: Divides the text into parts with a specific number of words, ideal for creating balanced excerpts.
- Split by Characters: Separates the text based on an exact number of characters, perfect for platforms with character limits.
- Respect Natural Boundaries: Smart option that avoids cutting words or phrases in the middle, maintaining text coherence.
- Flexibility: Allows you to adjust the size of each part according to your needs.
- Individual Copy: Buttons to copy each part separately, making it easy to use in different contexts.
Perfect for splitting long social media posts, separating content for newsletters, creating Twitter/X threads, or any situation where you need to divide larger text into smaller parts while maintaining coherence.